Our ministry is here to cultivate the women of our church and community as they come to Faith, Christian growth and service through being in God's presence, being in His Word and being with one another. We pray we will inspire your heart, enrich your life and strengthen your relationships—most importantly, your relationship with the Lord. Our prayer for each woman is for her to find an opportunity to invest in Kingdom building and be part of our church body and beyond.
Every woman has something to give.
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We will embark on the journey to restore JOY in our lives and deepen our relationship with Jesus. Together, we'll dive into the practical rhythms shared in Delighting in Jesus and support one another every step of the way.
Women’s Kickoff
We will share Brunch, do a craft, worship and hear how Joy can be a part of our lives every day, Come learn ways you can get involved! SIGN UP
JOY, Take a Leap 2025
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Check out our Women’s Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/282727958452506/
Join Our Women!
What women said about our last Bible Study:
I felt secure sharing my personal experience with women who share similar struggles and ‘pain’ in life and at the same token glean from their own experience and perspective; share these life experiences that I probably would not feel comfortable sharing with men; praying and encouraging one another and enjoying and savoring the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit. Leilani
I have always enjoyed getting together with the women of our church and going through a bible study but in this past study I felt more connected to the women and the study itself. One of ways that helped me feel more connected was the way the study was set up/format. We sat around one big table (several tables put together) with one facilitator sitting amongst us instead of standing before us. It brought a sense of closeness as I can see the expressions of each woman’s face as she shared a thought, answered a question or shared an experience.
The study, "Satisfy my Thirsty Soul" by Linda Dillow was very practical and revealing. I had asked the Lord some time ago to help me expand my praise language in worship to him (not just through song but also in words - who he is as well as what he does) but I did not know how. The author provided some ways to help me with that like taking each letter of the alphabet and ascribing a word/adjective to describe who God/Jesus is. Also I learned about practicing stillness and surrendering aspects of myself/life to God in order to have deep intimacy with him like surrendering my pain, will, attitude and work. The study guide was practical, thought provoking and revealing. And going through this study with the other ladies helped me to learn more about my spiritual journey and my relationship with God and that their are others who share similar experiences in their walk with God. I was inspired and encouraged by what was shared in our discussions. And what was shared drew us I think closer to one another as we prayed and encouraged one another. Felt the support. I will use this book as a reference for working through each discipline, one at a time, in helping me develop deeper intimacy with God.
Sharing dinner together!
We had a few park dates in the warmer months… worshiped in the open space so all could hear!
Serving together! Something we love doing - working side by side to help our community and the world!