Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program helping others find freedom from hurts, habits, and hang-ups of all kinds.
Together we work towards life changing transformation as we learn to apply the 12 Steps with biblical comparisons and Eight Recovery Principles based on Jesus’ teachings.
We learn to break free from compulsive, dysfunctional, and unmanageable behaviors and turn to Christ, our personal, loving and forgiving Higher Power.
This freedom allows us to experience peace, serenity, joy and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
"Sometimes we believe that we are alone in our struggle with life's problems. We believe that no one could possibly understand our hurts, habits, hang-ups and pain - that they are especially unique and difficult. Good news! We are not alone!"
Celebrate Recovery is an open meeting where everyone is welcome. We meet every Friday night from 7PM – 9PM.
7:00 PM Meeting (worship and a lesson, testimony, or chip ceremony)
7:30 PM Open share groups – Men and women break up into gender specific groups for a personal time of sharing struggles, strengths and hope with others going through a Christ-centered recovery.